picnic 02
urban space / slow food
ruth spitzer 2002
45x25cm, plywood, acrylic, prototype
_interieur 2002 ‘design for europe,’ kortrijk (belgium), 50 best entries
PICnic story
early one morning, the sun was shining...a small gnome sat some distance before the elevator “price for a mobile table $10,” read the announcement stuck to the wall above him. merrily, and busy as a bee the gnome issued me with a receipt for my $10. “that was a pleasure,” I thought to myself as she handed it to me. the operating instructions for the table were written in giant letters on the back of her receipt:
take care of your new table!
go straight to the next public park!
install the table on the backrest of a bench!
prepare your picnic lunch there!
eat a nice piece of french brie every day!
this will preserve your life from depression and dumpishness!