galerie der künstler, munich 12
App WALLFURNITURE DO-IT-YOURSELF / custom / instant / temporary / print in-the-moment
creative direction: dorkenwald und spitzer, toronto (canada)
curator: dorothea seror, anne wodtke, munich (germany)
software development: linh nguyen, augsburg (germany)
technical emplementation: christoph fries, mac consult, munich (germany)
sponsored: ontario art council, (canada)
in the age of smart phones and parking aids the desire for self-driven creativity
manifests itself. this trend is revealed in the success of do-it-yourself blogs like etsy and knit communities on the internet; also by the growing range of product series which can be personalized. it is predicted that by 2015 more mobile then desktop devices will be on the market. based on this fact it is interesting to experiment with a production app that
aids instant creative access.
continuing on the theme of a temporary, instant abode, dorkenwald und spitzer have
been commissioned to install a wallfurniture production lab within the exhibition “under construction” at galerie der künstler, munich. under the umbrella of performance and production they decided to facilitate a production process, where visitors can custom design and print their own personal tromp l’oeil interior setting, employing a mobile platform, such as ios, for design and production. translating traditional trompe-l’oeil on surfaces with the conclusion of reinterpretting these techniques using digital media by orchestration of pictures. the collection was auctioned off by the end of the show and raised money for the initiative "kulturraum munich".
the installation of ‘wallfurniture DIY’ lab consisted of 3 i pads 2 fitted with wallfurniture DIY app, HP Design jet Z3200, bond paper.